David Rogers captured by Sam Todd - Blog {3}
Runner: David Rogers AKA daviderogerst
Photographer: Sam Todd AKA samtoddphoto
Cap: White > Black OG Cap
Location: Cissbury Ring & Worthing Sea front, Sussex, England.
OS Grid Ref TQ 1405 0817 & TQ 1484 0289

What does the word Attain mean to you?
It’s changed its meaning. In Wales, we have a saying ‘hireath’ which means the longing for something that is just out of reach, especially to do with missing home. Right now, it is to Attain a balance and positive direction in my life. To ensure that I put my son first and make a difference to the community. To be a role model, accepting the consequences of my actions but also striving to be better.
In terms of running, it is to keep having running adventures, for as long as I can.
What’s your favourite Attain cap and why?
Although summer is almost over as I write this, the Cayuga Duck Bill. I remember suggesting the colours after a conversation with a good friend. It helps that they perform well in the heat too!

Why would you recommend Attain to the running community?
Attain is not just a run cap, it’s a community. The people that I have met through the #attainruncrew have genuinely saved my life. In addition, I’ve put Attain caps through some mad adventures. From 70mph winds in Eryri to temperatures over 30o during a 55km mountain ultra marathon and multi-day fastpacking adventures.
Yes, they look good, and the performance is fantastic. Not only that, money goes toward a charity that makes a real difference.
Has Attain ever given you the opportunity to chew over mental health with someone unexpectedly?
Trail and mountain runners talk about mental health often. There are many of us that have struggled with demons or found ourselves at the edge of the abyss. What Attain has added is the overt, open conversation around suicide. It’s a taboo subject that needs to be openly talked about. When I wanted to take my life, I thought that I was the only one.
On a lighter note, the new big logo cap has been used as a waypoint for other runners and mountain users and, at races, those in Attain always seem to have a chat with each other, something that I have not experienced with other brands.

What Attain cap do you want to see next?
Since my impulse purchase of my amazing Welsh sheepdog, Dwynwen (she’s named after the Welsh Saint of Lovers and Lost Souls) I have gotten into canicross. She’s my running companion as well as having a positive impact on my mental health. So I’d love to see a collab between WildBarc, a small Welsh company that makes fantastic human and dog gear.
How many Attain caps do you own and how does it make you feel knowing you potentially saved that many lives?
I’ve got a basket full, from the very first Attain caps with the little running person to the Trucker and Lite caps. All do a slightly different job. As a geographer, I am aware of the need to be sustainable. As a human, I am aware that a balance always needs to be Attain’d. I tend to use most running kit until destruction and repair, pass on or duct-tape up kit to keep it going. However, the thought that twenty odd people are still on the planet because I’ve bought these caps? There are no words.